Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Somalia 2011 Humanitarian Appeal Launched

Somalia's at War

World Issues Africa
  •  The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres with Un humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden just announced that a Humanitarian Appeal for Somalia 2011 in the capital of Kenya Nairobi. 
  • The Appeal suggests that $529, 520, 029 US  dollars is needed for 229 projects from 15 UN agencies and 90 international and national NGO’s to respond to the urgent needs.
  • Little improvement in Somalia as only two rainy seasons occurred.
  • The Somalian’s continue to face immense humanitarian needs
  • There is two million people in crisis including 1.46 million displaced people.
  • Floods, drought and conflict are a constant challenge with coping strategies and livelihoods being hard to come by. 

  • Access to health care, clean water, education, emergency shelter, and food are regular challenges for the people of Somalia.
  • The Humanitarian community has ensured that 2 million people received some sort of food assistance and clean water, malnutrition was treated through nearly 1,000 sites, non-food items were provided for 200,000 newly displaced, and 2.3 million animals were vaccinated to protect livestock and help pastoralists recover from several years of drought.
  • This was announced by Mark Bowden yesterday.
  • The priority in for the Humanitarian Appeal in 2011 is to ensure that humanitarian assistance gets to those who need it, wherever they are. Even with all the challenges of access and security in Somalia. They are counting on there partnerships with Somali agencies, with direct interaction with beneficiaries, and early predictable funding.
          This issues of Somalia are many as the Somalians have to deal with environmental problems, social issues, cultural, political, and economic. But mostly environmental and social issues as they deal with droughts, and flash floods, on many occurrences. Also, the social aspect of Somalia is a constant war to survive.  As the most popular aspect in Somalia right now is the Somalian Pirates who make millions hijacking merchant ships but then creating a civil war within their poverty stricken country. With those 2 aspects put into play the UN humanitarian community is reaching out to those who need it fro those who deal with the murder and environmental down pours that occur on an everyday basis for Somalia. Also with the wars and pirates located in Somalia it is hard for a sustained secure life style to be present in this Country so  therefore UN agencies and National NGO's have now come in affect to help these environmental and social issues.
My Opinon

        Somalia is a country that has been at war since 1991 causing 300 000- 400 000 casualties. This issue with the environmental dangers combined will become a ongoing issue that gets worse every year. The casualties will keep growing from the civil war and the poverty will just get worse through out the country as the constant environmental road blocks creates a un fair life style for the people. If the rebels haven't gotten what they wanted in 20 years then there is an unlikely chance they will anytime soon. The Americans have tried to make an impact as their efforts were portrayed in a hollywood movie Black Hawk Down. In that movie it is a battle that lasts over 3 days and the result is 1000 Somali soldiers dead and 19 american lives lost. If the Somalians can lose 1000 soldiers and still hold off the Americans then there is an issue on if the problem can be resolved. 

        This Issue can not be resolved as the rebels will still fight cause as they create poverty and murder it creates a fear and hopelessness among the people, which allows them to recruit more or create a bigger statement to the world. Also they are now pirates that raid merchant ships allowing them the resources to continue the war. Plus, the environment is always a various thing not knowing whats going to happen and when it is going to.  Therefore the only way I believe this issue can be helped is to allow AID services and protection to those who need it. 

The flash floods that occur at random times causing lifestyles to be a difficult aspect to sustain.
Fragile Government
The Civil war that has occurred from 1991
Mogadishu can’t sustain a economic structure but the outer countries have a sustainable structure.
Political structure is weak
Death of many people
With all the economic help it has put Somalia 2.6 billion dollars in debt
Tainted Water in Somalia creating an unsafe environment for the people. Also the minuscule amount of water available
Peace Keeping From the Africa Union are expected to support the transitional government to control the country
Citizens being displaced and creating over 451,600 refugees


How Did this Issue Start?
How Should it be Resolved?
This issue has started since 1991 when the civil war started creating destabilization and instability throughout the country. It happened by the Somali government losing substantial control of the state to rebel forces. In June 2009 they requested immediate international support from the oncoming attacks of the rebels. 
There really isn’t anything we can do to resolve this issue but there is things we can do to help the people of Somali by sending Aid and support to defend the people. The very Somali Humanitarian 2011 Appeal does very this has they are offering protection, shelter, food, education, etc.

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