Tuesday, March 1, 2011

US Bombing raids with no-flyzone policy in Libya

USA's air craft Carrier sailing to Libya

US Bombing raids after No-Fly zone policy was put in Place in Libya
  • By enforcing a no-fly zone over a Libya it will require bombing the north African nation's air defense systems. This is warned by US commander General James Matis warned the world today.
  • United States and its allies are weighing possible military action, therefore a no-fly zone was enforced, to stop Libya's Muammar Gaddafi from using his forces to crush mounting opposition/ near by cities.
  • Even though Gaddafi’s military are outgunned by US and NatO aircrafts, they have dozens of surface-to-air missiles that could be shoot down and destroy allied warplanes trying to break Gaddafi’s defense.
  • The US military is going to look to knock out adversary’s air defense missiles and  radar.
  • The United States are now pressing on with a naval and air forces towards Libya including a warship with hundreds of marines.
  • Earlier this evening the USS Kearsarge ( an assault ship accompanied by two naval other naval vessels) is carrying with them; 800 marines, a fleet of helicopters, and medical facilities, ready to support humanitarian efforts as well with military operations. 
  • So far military operations are unclear but the support is there. 
  • the deployment of naval and air forces near Libya was not an empty gesture, as a show of force and rebellion is in its self a increase in pressure to Gaddafi.
  • An American aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, which has fighter jets that could enforce a possible no-fly zone, could also be called upon for the Libya crisis.
  • Italy will be the housing area for US bases regarding operations for the no- fly zone.
  • The US might have to request Tunisia or Egypt for permission to use their air fields.
  • Gaddafi’s forces defeated after the West heaped pressure on the loyalist’s trying to take their city. 

As there is a limited amount of rain per year water is scarce and will be even harder with Gaddafi pressuring on with his rant. 
A dramatic revolt against the people of Libya by the government is causing killings and world AID involving military. 
Innocent citizens are being terrorized by military with mass murders and death threats. 
Gas Prices are going to experience rapid rises as Gaddafi is threatening to blow up all of his oil operations.  
If there is a war the landscape will be ruined and the people will have to start a brand new life as bombings are devastating. 
Revolts against the government are growing as citizens are volunteering to fight against Gaddafi and his army.  Causing Gaddafi to press back
Gaddafi’s military left the citizens poverty stricken as they went throughout the town in a tirade taking all of their valuables and all the money left with them. 
US spending with Arms will increase as the pressing military forces are increasing and if a war breaks out the spending will continue.
With Gaddafi’s threats its making life that much harder, the effect of the harsh environment will make it even harder.
Gaddafi’s air force pilots are purposely miss firing against a town as the collateral damage would be far greater then the gain, defying Gaddafi’s direct orders. 
Citizens in America will be having to deal with  a inflation in gas prices therefore making the everyday life harder for the citizens of United States..
As Libya exports 80% of its oil to all of Europe, will cause the prices to change dramatically and economic faith will be lost .



How the issue Got Started?
How the Issue can be Resolved?
The protests in Libya started February 15th, 2011as they followed suit from the protests that occurred in Tunisia and Egypt that had positive outcomes. The Libyans were tired of being repressed and living in fear and finally got the encouragement to revolt after the following success of the the protest’s in other arab countries. Therefore leading to the United States getting involved by freezing their assets and sending military AID against  Gaddafi’s military. 
This issue can be resolved by eliminating suppressing threats of Gaddafi’s army. This will be by eliminating their resources for infantry and air crafts. This will be by doing bomb raids by the US as they are going to be doing soon.  Also by providing the need pressure to back Gaddafi in a corner to finally let him know that is reign is over. With providing the military offense it will allow Gaddafi to know that there is a threat but we will have to act fast cause if not it can end it a very horrific way. 

My Opinion 
With Gaddafi’s army threatening Libya's people there is measures that will be needed to contain this threat from expanding and from another dictator escaping from devastation. This has now progressed into a no- fly zone in Libya not allowing Gaddafi to escape or bomb cities that are revolting against him. As, the no-fly zone is intact the US are now sending military air and land to destruct all air fields and resources regarding air transportation; military and personal. I believe this a necessary action has if not many lives will be ruined and ended in this war with in its country. As, the hope and faith within the crash of this government is growing with in the people, for devastation and murder to occur, it could defiantly cause quick end to the ever growing hope. Therefore a needed action is demanded because the people are suffering, Gaddafi is pursuing is actions on a world wide scale threatening oil and if actions are not pursued this will end a horrific way just not for Libya but for the world. If bombing raids are the only way to help end this conflict, then in this case it is necessary to go through with the plan as if not the US and the rest of the world will be in an economic down fall. 
As many arab countries are revolting around the world, Libya’s protest is the most horrific and scariest one as it’s affects are world wide with murder and military involved. So far the only resolution available is start a war, as Gaddafi is threatening with force instead of stepping down. He is only already planning bomb raids, murder, and murder among his own people. His reign in power has been so much fort he people that they are volunteering there own life to fight against the leader. As Gaddafi as made it clear he won’t settle for peace and wont negotiate there isn't really room for peace. Therefore in this matter the only solution is military options and rescue among the people, getting everybody who is at risk out of te country and move in the army to defeat and conquer Gaddafi. 

-Brandon Richards-

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