Thursday, May 19, 2011

Medvedev warns of new Cold War over missile defence

Medvedev, Russian President

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Medvedev warns of new Cold War over missile defence

  • President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday warned the West it would face a new Cold War if it failed to address Russia's concerns over a proposed missile defence shield for Europe.
  • U.S. decision to push ahead with construction of the missile defense system despite Russia's objections will force Moscow to take retaliatory measures -- something that we would very much rather not do.
  • Russian leader also affirmed that any earlier threat to pull out of the new START disarmament agreement, which entered into force this year, then the missile shield is deployed.
  • Moscow has been fighting NATO to deploy a system that the West sees as a means of protection, from nations such as Iran. However Russia believes could potentially be deployed against its own defenses.
  • Russia’s biggest fear is that the shield could one day be turned around and instead of shooting down incoming missiles be used to attack Russian soil.
  • Medvedev wants to been in cooperation and work together with NATO to prevent any unneeded feud. 

-       Nuclear waste and disposal of greenhouse gases producing the defense system.
-       The discretion of the environment, when developing the necessary system.
-       Russia believes that the US will turn on them and use the system against them.
-       US continued production against Russia’s objections to the subject.
-       Moscow wants to retaliate by building a defense system of their own.
-       This issue may throw us back into another Cold War.
-       If a Cold war were to occur again, it would cause a depression or economic down fall.
-       Citizens of Russia may grow their hate towards the west.
-       If the US were to attack, lots of innocent lives would be destroyed.

-       Millions of dollars is required to build this system.
-       Government may become bankrupt and the people of the country will suffer.
-       Economically it is scary as in the Cold War it was clear of the economic downfall Russia dealt with.


How Did this Issue Start? 
How can this Issue be Resolved
This issue started after WW11 when Russia and the Untied States were in a war called “ The Cold War”. For a period of time, the two superpowers tried to out arm the other in nuclear weapons. From there the Untied States developed an allies trust called NATO. Russia not included created their allegiance, “ The War Saw Pact”. Since that day, Russia has never been invited or considered in NATO, then creating this current issue. With the feud between the countries, it doesn’t allow much compromise. That has led to the ignorance of Russia’s wishes and may be lead to the retaliation of Russia’s own missile dense system.

Inviting Russia into the deciding and planning process can solve this issue. If it were a threat to Russia why wouldn’t they have the chance to voice their opinion? There have been invitations for Russia to voice its concerns in formal meetings but refused to provide Moscow with a formal role in the shield's operation that it seeks. What’s that point, a simple solution, is allow Russia a role in which they have a little say to what happens so they, themselves feel secure and safe. In this issue the solutions are limited, because of the power NATO has over what Russia says, because clearly another Cold War isn’t a solution worth considering.



        With a threat of another Cold War, this world may experience a true economic downfall. In the last Cold War it was clear that economics was key, why go through such turmoil again? In the world economics is already a struggle, why strain it with a missile defense system creating conflicts between countries. Russia and the United States have never gotten along and with this new plan it’ll just create bigger problem that will raise the conflict again. With this new issue it’ll just make the conflict grow, and cause a bigger more, finically unstable Cold War this time around. In life we always say share and value each other’s opinion, well in this issue it isn’t happening. Russia is being forgotten and left with no choice but to retaliate. Therefore just by including Russia in the planning process they won’t feel threatened will not continue retaliation and make the threat vanish.


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